hat ez nem volt konnyu. pedig csak az egyik fovarosbol - tashkent - akartam eljutni a masikba - almaty.
mondtak, hogy a tashkent melletti hataratkelo le van zarva, mert 2 eve felujitjak, es igy csak helyiek mehetnek ott at. ezek szerint en meg nem szamitok annak...
persze, 80 euro elleneben minden maskepp festene. de nekem nincs erre ennyi penzem :P
gondoltam, hogy vonattal megyek, az megiscsak egyszeru. persze, csak 2 nap mulva megy vonat. hurra. akkor nezzunk taxit! taxi kismillio dollarert vinne at. vagy akar ugyanennyi euroert. vegul nagynehezen megalkudtunk, hogy 50 euroert elvisznek (vonat 40, tehat ez nem olyan rossz...). csakhogy nekem 100-asom van, es mivel itt a dollar az ur, senki nem tudta felvaltani. kozben kiderult, hogy az egyik auto vinne a hatarig, ott kifizetnem, es o rendezne a masik soforrel. viszont azt nemt tudtuk megbeszelni, hogy mi arra a biztositek, hogy a masik oldalon tenyleg tovabbvisznek.
gondoltam, hogy akkor csak a hataratkeloig kerek taxit (50 km). erre el akartak kerni 30 eurot, mondvan, hogy vissza is kell jonnie. nem gyozte meg azon ervem, hogy visszafele majd elhoz egy masik turistat. mikor ez a vita jo 2 oraja ment, az egyik sofor kiakadt ram, es mondta, hogy menjek csak vonattal. es gondoltam, igaza van...
megvettem a jegyet. utana sorban jottek, hogy megiscsak elvinnenek, de persze keso banat. nagyon elegem volt mar a lehuzos uzbegekbol... ):
masnap vonatra fel. anno, mikor a kazahoknal fulkesben utaztam, ki akartam probalni a nyitott vagonosat. most akaratlanul, de sikerult. kb 80 ember egy legterben. kezdtuk egy 4-oras varakozassal a hataron, amiben az a legszebb, hogy nem mozdul a levego, szellozes nulla, azaz a mi ablakunkat le sem lehetett nyitni stb. az en helyem felul volt, ami azt jelentette, hogy nem is tudtam felulni, mert folottem mar csomagok voltak.
mindegy, 26 ora hamar elropul... erdekes, ahogy a helyiek utaznak. senki nem megy sehova porcelan bogre nelkul. mindenki hoz valtoruhat es papucsot, a teljes konyhat, valamint instant leveseket, amiket ott helyben megfoznek. mindenkinel van legalabb 5 kilo gyumolcs. az alattam utazo holgy egy evre ment dolgozni oroszorszagba, es epp csk egy hajszal valasztotta el attol, hogy tullepje a 10 darabos dinnye-korlatozast. ugyanis ennel tobbet senki nem vihet fel a vonatra. elkepzelem, ha mindenki felvinne a maximumot... (((:
mondtak, hogy a tashkent melletti hataratkelo le van zarva, mert 2 eve felujitjak, es igy csak helyiek mehetnek ott at. ezek szerint en meg nem szamitok annak...
persze, 80 euro elleneben minden maskepp festene. de nekem nincs erre ennyi penzem :P
gondoltam, hogy vonattal megyek, az megiscsak egyszeru. persze, csak 2 nap mulva megy vonat. hurra. akkor nezzunk taxit! taxi kismillio dollarert vinne at. vagy akar ugyanennyi euroert. vegul nagynehezen megalkudtunk, hogy 50 euroert elvisznek (vonat 40, tehat ez nem olyan rossz...). csakhogy nekem 100-asom van, es mivel itt a dollar az ur, senki nem tudta felvaltani. kozben kiderult, hogy az egyik auto vinne a hatarig, ott kifizetnem, es o rendezne a masik soforrel. viszont azt nemt tudtuk megbeszelni, hogy mi arra a biztositek, hogy a masik oldalon tenyleg tovabbvisznek.
gondoltam, hogy akkor csak a hataratkeloig kerek taxit (50 km). erre el akartak kerni 30 eurot, mondvan, hogy vissza is kell jonnie. nem gyozte meg azon ervem, hogy visszafele majd elhoz egy masik turistat. mikor ez a vita jo 2 oraja ment, az egyik sofor kiakadt ram, es mondta, hogy menjek csak vonattal. es gondoltam, igaza van...
megvettem a jegyet. utana sorban jottek, hogy megiscsak elvinnenek, de persze keso banat. nagyon elegem volt mar a lehuzos uzbegekbol... ):
kaptunk kis uticsomagot, amiben minden volt, amire csak szuksegem lehet az uton: fesu, cipokanal, varroskeszlet etc... persze wc-papir nem volt a wc-ben (:
a vonaton minden van, penzvalto, uditoarus, cigi, sor, sot, neha meg ruhaarusok is megjelennek. sajnos ezt nem tudtam lefotozni rendesen...
lenyeg, hogy almaty: kivalo fagyi, kinai etterem, es az ut soran eloszor: furdo (ezen azt ertsetek, hogy eddig csak tusolni tudtam...)
this was definitely not easy. all i wanted is to get from one capital - tashkent - to another - almaty.
i was told, that the border next to tashkent is closed for two years for renovation, so only locals can cross it. it seems, that i am still not a local...
of course, if i pay them 80 euro, everything looked different. but no way... :P
i thought that i may take a train, that is simple. except if the next one comes in two days. great. so lets check the taxis. taxis are a fortune. ok, after negotiating a lot, i agreed on a price of 50 euro (train is 40, so this is ok). but i have a note of 100, and here usd is the king, noone could change it. wow!
soon it come up, that the driver would take me to the border only, i should pay there, and another driver would drive me to almaty. but how can i assure, that i really get there, if i already paid?!?
ok, so lets take a taxi to the border here (50 km), and find another there. for some reason noone really wanted to take me. or maybe for 30 euro, for 1/12 of the road!!! we had a debate of about 2 hours, when a driver shouted on me why i did not get the tarin. so i said ok, he might be right- and went to the cashier.
in a few minutes they came to me and offered me normal prices, but i was just fed up with them... ):
ok, train on the next day. when previously i travelled with train, i wanted to try the one without vagonsю тщеб unintentoinally, i managed. ~80 people in a car. we started with 4 hours of waiting on the border. the best was, that the train standed in a place, so the air did not move at all, no ventillation, windows cannot be opened at all etc. i had an upper bed, that meant, that i could not sit on the bed as there were baggages above. cool... anyway, 26 hours are not that much :P
it's so interesting how locals travel: eg noone goes anywhere without a porcelain mug. everyone has at least 5 kilos of fruit. the lady laying under me went to russia to work for a year, and had 10 melons with her (each at least 6 kilos)!!! i dont understand... is it the most important they take for a year?!?
anyway, good to know, that there is a limit of 10 melons on the train, you are not allowed to take more (:
i imagine what if everyone takes the maximum...
we got a pack of all the neccecities that one wants on the way including a comb, shoe-horn , sewing kit etc... except toilet papers in the restroom... (:
lenyeg, hogy almaty: kivalo fagyi, kinai etterem, es az ut soran eloszor: furdo (ezen azt ertsetek, hogy eddig csak tusolni tudtam...)
this was definitely not easy. all i wanted is to get from one capital - tashkent - to another - almaty.
i was told, that the border next to tashkent is closed for two years for renovation, so only locals can cross it. it seems, that i am still not a local...
of course, if i pay them 80 euro, everything looked different. but no way... :P
i thought that i may take a train, that is simple. except if the next one comes in two days. great. so lets check the taxis. taxis are a fortune. ok, after negotiating a lot, i agreed on a price of 50 euro (train is 40, so this is ok). but i have a note of 100, and here usd is the king, noone could change it. wow!
soon it come up, that the driver would take me to the border only, i should pay there, and another driver would drive me to almaty. but how can i assure, that i really get there, if i already paid?!?
ok, so lets take a taxi to the border here (50 km), and find another there. for some reason noone really wanted to take me. or maybe for 30 euro, for 1/12 of the road!!! we had a debate of about 2 hours, when a driver shouted on me why i did not get the tarin. so i said ok, he might be right- and went to the cashier.
in a few minutes they came to me and offered me normal prices, but i was just fed up with them... ):
ok, train on the next day. when previously i travelled with train, i wanted to try the one without vagonsю тщеб unintentoinally, i managed. ~80 people in a car. we started with 4 hours of waiting on the border. the best was, that the train standed in a place, so the air did not move at all, no ventillation, windows cannot be opened at all etc. i had an upper bed, that meant, that i could not sit on the bed as there were baggages above. cool... anyway, 26 hours are not that much :P
anyway, good to know, that there is a limit of 10 melons on the train, you are not allowed to take more (:
i imagine what if everyone takes the maximum...
we got a pack of all the neccecities that one wants on the way including a comb, shoe-horn , sewing kit etc... except toilet papers in the restroom... (:
there is everything on the train: exchange officers, drinks and sausages to buy, beer, cigarette, and sometimes people to sell clothes!!! unfortunately i could not get a good picture of it.
anyway, here i am again in almaty: great ice cream, chinese restaurant, and first time during my trip: a bath (meaning nothing else, but that i could only take showers until now...)
anyway, here i am again in almaty: great ice cream, chinese restaurant, and first time during my trip: a bath (meaning nothing else, but that i could only take showers until now...)
eating plov somehow compensated part of the above:
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