es nehanyat meg nappalrol, csak mert szepek / and some from the morning, just because they are nice:
itt laktam / i stayed here:
helyben keszult hutomagnesek / magnets made on the spot:
az uj hajam (nehanyan latni akartak) / my new haircut (some wanted to see):
es a kedvenc mualkotasom (a kiallitott ketfeju csecsemo utan) / and my favourite piece of art (after the baby body with two heads - auch!):

penzvalto / how they change money:

az ut soran eloszor talalkoztam magyarokkal - ezuton is koszonom, hogy becsatlakozhattam a csoporthoz egy rovid idore. legalabb most mar tudom, hogy miket neztem meg elozo 2 nap :P
this was the first time i met hungarians. again many thanks for the opportunity to join the group for a few hours. at least now i know the places i visited in the previous two days :P
this was the first time i met hungarians. again many thanks for the opportunity to join the group for a few hours. at least now i know the places i visited in the previous two days :P
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