2009. aug. 5.

1998-as evjarat, 1 LE / made in 1998, 1 HP

tico-falva (arslanbob) a kovetkezo allomasom. csakmert 10-bol 9 auto daewoo tico ((:
elbuszoztam egy darabig, nagyon buszken szamolgatva, hogy mennyit sporolok. aztan miutan mar nem volt busz, csak taxi, sikerult kifizetnem a tarifa negyszereset ugy, hogy tenyleg kb. 1 orat alkudoztam!!!
ez az a hely, ahol mar a gyenge orosz tudasommal sem boldogulok. uzbeg vagy kirgiz, mas nem segit...
a szallas egy orosz uttoro tabor maradvanyai, de egyagyas szobat nem tudtak adni, 2-ert en nem fizetek, igy satrat vertem. hihetetlen volt latni az embereket, akik odajottek, es megcsodaltak, hogy a hatizsakom tartalmanak felebol egy 'otthont' raktm ossze 5 perc alatt. mondtak, hogy ok meg sosem lattak satrat. megfogdostak, beleneztek... vicces volt (:
masnapra egy lohatas turat szerveztem, amivel bejartam a kornyeket. itt viszont tenyleg jo arat alkudtam ki, mivel 1 napra megkaptam a lovat 2 kiserovel (!!! - valamiert a tulaj nem bizta ram az allatot) osszesen 1500 ft-ert.
eleinte eleg bizonytalan voltam, es a lo meg veletlenul sem hallgatott ram, de a nap vegere mar egesz jol kontroll alatt tartottam az allatot. a tulaj nagyon lelkes volt, es allandoan segiteni akart. tobb ora alatt sem tudtam megertetni vele, hogy en magam szeretnem iranyitani a lovat, es nem egy kantarszaron vezetve menni... azert szerencsere neha lemaradt (:
azt mondtak a helyiek, hogy egesz gyakorlott lovasnak tunok!
valahogy nem ereztem a hely igazi varazsat, igy meg delutan utrakeltem. estere szallast kellett szerezni, de ez egy kisvarosban nem konnyu. igy maradt a draga hotel. remego labakkal kerdeztem az arat, es valami horribilis osszegre szamtottam. meg is lepodtem rendesen az 1000 ft-on, amit a szobaert fizetnem kellett. mondjuk, minden elkepzelesemet alulmulta:

megjegyzem, ez volt a tusolos szoba (((;


the village of tico (arslanbob) was my next stop. just because 9 out of the 10 cars is a daewoo tico((:
i took the bus until i could - being very proud of myself just saving a lot of money -, but on the last 50 km i could only take a taxi, where - after an hour of negotiation - i paid 4 times as much as a local (:

this is the place where my broken russian is totally unuseful -either uzbek or kyrgyz, nohing else works...

the accomodation was in a russian camp. they could not give me a one-bed room, and i was reluctant to pay for double, so i stayed in a tent. it was amasing, how local people came there wondering about the tent, that i keep in a backpack and build in 5 min. (: yeah, they never saw a tent before...

next day i was up to a horse trip around arslanbob. here i could really get a great price, as i got the horse for a day with 2 drivers for 5 euro! for some reason the owner also wanted to come. maybe he did not trust me being able to ride a horse? actuallly he was right... (:in the beginning it was not tha easy at all. the horse just did not do what i wanted him to do. but by the end it became much better and i could control the horse quite well. locals said, that i seem to ride a horse for a while. believe me, i am a beginner...

the owner was very enthusiastic not being able to understand, that i wanna ride the horse on my own, and not being driven by someone. luckily he was slower sometimes. (:

somehow i did not feel to stay longer, so got off. by the evening i got to jalal-abad, and tried to find a cheap hostel. it is no very easy although, so finally had to go to the expensive hotel. i was a bit worried how much it would cost me. yeah, it definitely shocked me, as i had to pay 3.5 eur for the room. made me a bit suspicious, what i will find... hihi, pictures above in the hungarian section... (((:

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