mivel az uzbeg vizumom intezese nem olyan egyszeru, mint gondoltam, igy vissza kellett mennem bishkek-be meghivolevelet intezni. felesleges utazgatas, de ugye semmi nincs veletlenul. hat az elso, ami ez altal jott, az a mai ut osh varosaba.
minden ugy kezdodott, hogy a hasmeneses es egyeb problemak nem akartak szunni, igy 2 napos dietat iktattam be. majd reggel beultem egy taxiba (osh-ba nincs meg mashrutka - minibusz - sem, csak megosztott taxi), hogy laza 10 ora alatt odaerjek. az ut azzal kezdodott, hogy megalltunk egy autokereskedesnel, ahol az egyik utas majd fel orat aksit valogatott (hehe, ezert keltem 6-kor?!? ja, a iszlam ebreszto reggel 5 korul volt (: )!
lassan elindultunk. a vezetorol kiderult, hogy 71 eves, szerintunk alig latott, ugy ult a vezetoulesben, mint egy kezdo vezeto (bar bizonygattak, hogy hosszu evek ota uzi a szakmat), es a hegyekben vegig sebessegvaltas nelkul (!!!) vezetett, hol 40-nel, hogy 140-nel. atmenet nem volt :P nekem valamiert nem, de a mellettem uloknek nem kevesszer volt halalfelelmuk. sajnos, eleg nehez leirni azokat a szitukat, amiket vegigeltunk a nap folyaman, de a vegen mar en is paraztam kicsit. csak egy pelda: elottunk egy teherauto es egy szemelyauto, mikozben jonnek szembe. a joember elozni probalja a teherautot, mikozben az kitalalja, hogy balra kanyarodik indexeles nelkul, mikozben szembe mar majdnem odaert az auto. mi megyunk ezerrel a kanyarodo teherauto fele, aki mogott jon a szembeforgalom. a sajat savunkban masik auto, menekulesi lehetoseg nulla. soforunk meg mindig nem probal lassitani, hisz annyira meg nem veszes a szitu... nem baj, tuleltuk (: tobbit majd szemelyesen. (: mindegy, lenyeg, hogy itt vagyunk, es - bar autobol - olyan gyonyoru tajak menten vezetett az ut, hogy az leirhatatlan. (: azt azert hozza kell tennem, hogy nagy hibat kovettem el azzal, hogy ebedidoben feladtam a dietat, es bizony a lentebb lathato wc-t nem szivesen veszi az ember igenybe... de ha jon a hasmars, akkor nincs mit tenni. mindenesetre mire a szallasra ertunk, mar nem nagyon voltam vigyorgos kedvemben, igy kenytelen voltam nemi vodkaval fertotleniteni (: ellenben ez a kilatas a budibol: ((: azota jobban vagyok. azert meg mindig kimelo, mert nem szeretnem a draga napjaimat erre pazarolni...
title is a bit as if it was taken from the lonely planet (:
as the usbeg visa question was not as easy as i first thought, i had to return to bishkek to get a loi. but everything has a reason. maybe the trip i just had today? yeah, maybe...
it started with my diarrohea did not get better, so i started a diet for two days. after this, i took a shared taxi to get to osh in 10 hours. the first that came up was, that one passenger had to buy batteries for a car, so we stopped at a car service or such for half an hour (is it why i woke up at 6 am? anyway, the first islamic wake-up call was at around 5 ((: ). so we left. it just came up, that the driver was 71 years old (!!!!), we think he hardly saw anything, and just could not use the gears in the mountains. it was funny until we got to soooooooooo scary situations, that i can hardly explain that. i guess we were near to crashes every hour. that's far too much in a 10-hour long road...
just an example: a track in front of us and a car. on the other line some other car comes from the other direction. our driver decides to overtake while the track decides to turn left. so we are just driving straight to the track and the traffic from the opposite direction, while there is no option to go back to our line due to some cars... and our sriver still does not feel like slowing down a bit as this is still not danger... survived still ((:
anyway, here we are, without a scratch on us. and we saw such beautiful landscapes, that several times i just felt like stopping over and putting up our tents for a night or two.
i have to admit that i made a big mistake by giving up my diet as we stopped at a nice place to have some lunch. especially because i knew what toilets they usually have next to the road (not the english one for sure (: ). so i was hesitating for a while, when again met a nice piece of them, but nature has a stronger power... :P(picture + view from the toilet above)
by the time we got to the accomodation, i was not smiling at all... so the only thing i could do is to take some vodka to sterilize. ince then i feel better, but i keep up being cautious (:
Ezek a fotók nagyon tetszettek nekem.
nem ertem, mi bajod a wc-vel. meg a jobbik kozul fogtal ki egyet. :)
hangosan kacagtam rajtaaaaa, annyira bírlak!!!!